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Americans Children are all in Danger ‼️

As of the most recent data available, national statistics on missing and trafficked children in the United States highlight the significant scope of these issues. Here are some key statistics related to child abduction and trafficking:

1. Missing Children in the United States

  • National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC):

    • The NCMEC reports that approximately 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the U.S. This equates to about 2,000 children per day.

    • Endangered Runaways: The largest category of missing children. Around 1 in 6 of the children reported missing in the U.S. are considered endangered runaways, often fleeing abusive situations or unsafe living conditions.

    • Family Abductions: A significant percentage (about 25%) of missing children cases involve family members, typically in custody disputes or domestic violence situations.

    • Non-Family Abductions: Although rare, non-family abductions are still a concern, accounting for less than 1% of missing children cases, but these are often the most high-profile cases.

2. Child Trafficking and Exploitation

  • Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA):

    • The National Human Trafficking Hotline (administered by Polaris) reported more than 10,000 cases of human trafficking in the U.S. annually. Of these, a significant number involve minors, though precise statistics vary year to year.

    • U.S. Department of Justice estimates that approximately 100,000 children are trafficked for sex each year in the U.S.

    • According to the NCMEC, traffickers frequently target vulnerable children, especially those who have run away or are in foster care. Runaway youth are at an especially high risk for being trafficked.

3. At-Risk Groups

  • Runaway and Homeless Youth: Studies suggest that children who are homeless or run away from home are at a heightened risk of being trafficked, with some estimates stating that 1 in 3 runaway children will be approached by a trafficker within 48 hours of leaving home.

  • Children in Foster Care: Children in foster care, especially those who are placed in group homes or residential treatment centers, are also particularly vulnerable to trafficking.

4. Efforts and Prevention

  • The U.S. government, in partnership with law enforcement and organizations like the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC), continues to work on prevention and recovery efforts. This includes training law enforcement, raising awareness, and improving coordination between agencies to address both missing children cases and child trafficking.


  • 800,000 children are reported missing annually in the U.S.

  • 1 in 6 missing children are endangered runaways.

  • 450,000 minors are trafficked for sex every year. ( That’s a very generous number as it’s much much higher!

  • Runaway youth and children in foster care are particularly vulnerable to trafficking.

These statistics highlight the importance of proactive measures to protect children from abduction, exploitation, and trafficking, as well as the need for increased public awareness and support for at-risk youth.

Our conclusion “Parent's please watch your children like never before including knowing their online life The numbers available online are never the truth the actual numbers will turn your stumich and blow your mind , we encourage families to increase their security with a family protection dog with child abduction at a all time high now is the time to take the extra precautions and add a protection dog to your arsenal and your family! We at OSS have partnered with a Safe house that rehabilitates children that have been trafficked, Its called “ THE HOUSE OF KELEV) we are currently working on our online presence and will be sharing all about it very soon!

Thank you for reading this blog it truly blesses us and we want to get legit Information in the hands of families!



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